
Crazy Crayons in Gift Boxes

September 10, 2008

Craft: Back to School Crazy Crayons
Supplies: old crayons, containers for bits, spoons for bits, oven, muffins tins and heart tins
Time: 10 minutes to make crayons, 15-20 to bake, 5 to sort and wrap
Description: Take old crayons and melt them into big toddler crayons
Team: Sarah
Example: Sarah
Presenter: Sarah

Craft: Origami Gift Boxes
Credits: U-Handblog Origami Boxes
Supplies: heavy weight paper, 2 sheets per person, tissue paper, ribbon
Time: 15-20 minutes to fold, 5 to wrap
Description: Make gift boxes for crayons
Team: Sarah
Example: Sarah
Presenter: Sarah

ps. cut-outs!

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