
Dryden MOPS is back! The 2012-2013 MOPS year is starting in November. We will be meeting at the Dryden United Methodist Church on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:00-11:00 am. The UM church is the large white church on the corner of main street next door to where we used to meet.
Here are the dates we will be meeting for the year:
November 14                            
November 28
December 12
January 9
January 23
February 13
February 27
March  13
March 27
April 10
April 24
May 8
May 22

As part of our move to the Methodist Church we are looking to take up a collection of old baby toys and baby items for the Mini MOPPETS nursery room. Items should be in the birth-age 2 range. If you have any old baby toys, gear, or books that you would like to donate for MOPS and the church it would be greatly appreciated. All gear can be dropped off at the UM church or at my house at 337 State Route 38, Dryden.
Also- if you have any basic craft supplies to add to our MOPS group such as glue, scissors, craft paper, ribbons, hole punches, paints or other basic supplies that you could part with please let us know! We would appreciate anything you can offer our group as we get started at our new location.
As always, if any of you are interested in speaking at a meeting or have a craft to help teach us that would be great as well. Please just let us know!
Please pass this email and flyer around to as many friends and family members as you think would be interested. We look forward to a successful and blessed MOPS year and hope to meet many new friends.
Amy Faben-Wade
Dryden MOPS Coordinator
 For more information, call (607) 844-9861, e-mail drydenmops(at)
For information on the Nation wide MOPS organization click on the MOPS Logo above.  For local MOPS happenings click on the hyperlinked text --->

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